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Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I had every intention of blogging while JR was away last week. In fact, I was off to a really good start when all of a sudden, disaster struck: our desktop came down with a virus. A bad one.

I could only log on for about 5 minutes at a time before the whole computer would freeze and have to be unplugged from the wall, and then plugged back in and booted up, and unplugged and then plugged back in, and booted up, at LEAST 3 times before I could log on again. And so I would, in a panicky frenzy, zoom through the inboxes of all of my email accounts looking for anything that seemed IMPORTANT and then trying to read those before the whole thing froze up on me again.

I couldn't run any of our anti-malware, and I was a bit too exhausted from JR being gone to attempt a more serious war against the virus. Eventually, JR made it home with the laptop on Saturday night, and we used it to help us repair the desktop model over the past two days.

I am just beginning to catch up on all of the blogs I missed in the past 6 days, and it feels like I must have been offline for 6 WEEKS. Stop being so produtive y'all. Seriously.

And now, a new virus has swept in: I woke up this morning with a raging sore throat, runny nose and a hacking cough even though I felt totally fine yesterday. And Grasshopper is coughing his head off in the other room as I type this, so that does.not.bode.well. Also, it's AUGUST, so what the hell, universe?

I feel especially bad as we had a playdate with a Twitter/blog friend Angela and her girls yesterday and almost certainly infected them THE FIRST TIME WE MET. That's going to leave a lasting impression, but not the one I'd hoped for. Oy.

So now it's off to round up some Sudafed for me and some puzzles and play-doh for Grasshopper, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to catch up on my reading later. Or, you know, take a nap. Achoo!


Atlanta Mommy said...

Zero worries about the cold. Seriously! Even if, by some small chance, we do come down with it? M is starting school next week, so our first cold would have come by next Friday at the latest! And actually, being exposed to it a little early could protect us next week! So I really should be thanking you!

I hope you feel better soon! And I'm glad the computer virus is resolved. I always feel like I'm missing an appendage when the computer or network connection is on the fritz. And on the (slightly) bright side... you can catch up on your reading in bed!

lonek8 said...

hope you both feel better soon!

Manic Mommy said...

God bless you! Gremlin woke up with a frog in his throat today and my laptop, I think is just chronic. We've got McAfee, a firewall, and all the other junk we're supposed to have (that slows down my computer) but somehow, there's always something new out there.

Hope everyone feels better!

Mama Goose said...

Damn bugs!! Glad your computer is feeling better and hope you are very soon as well!

Stacey said...

aw, stinky. hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh, feel better soon. I never understand how I always get sick in the middle of summer either...

StephLove said...

Hope you are on the mend soon!

Funnyrunner said...

that SUCKS. computer problems make me want to rip my hair out. I spent 2 hours and 45 minutes (a bloggable experience) on the phone with India trying to get my computer to recognize my printer on the network. argh!

Hope your computer AND you are feeling better!