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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Grasshopper's first swim lessons.

No, I didn't know that his instructor would be incredibly patient, kind and...charming when I chose the program. Really. Stop looking at me like that!

Besides, the karma at that pool owed me.


Mama Goose said...

Um, yeah. If I really pushed, I think I could force myself to sit by that pool and watch that all day. Um. Yeah.

Anonymous said...

i think i need swim lessons...

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

I'm scared of water but am ready to join Grasshopper's class!

Stacey said...

that is some sweet, sweet justice prevailing there.

Tatiana said...


Draft Queen said...

Wow. And I thought my kids' swim instructor was... charming.

Two Makes Four said...

Just stopping by to say I need swim lessons. Really, really badly.

WBotW said...

Yes indeed... swim lessons are something I could go for.

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

Most crowded swim class...ever...right? Ha!

Dyar Baby Momma said...

How did you find Taye Diggs to teach swim class...