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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mental Health Day

I have decided to take a day off from the holiday season. TODAY. This is not to say that I don't love the holidays (because I do), or to say that I don't love being a homemaker (because I do). It is to say that things have been crazy, and will get even crazier when JR heads out of town for a week starting on Sunday.

So that list of things that I need to get done, that I have been making for a week, that I planned to squeeze into the few hours that Grasshopper is at school this morning...not gonna do it. It's rainy and yucky outside and I need a Mental Health Day.

For me, a Mental Health Day is one where I don't do anything that doesn't provide me with pleasure. Drinking tea and rationalizing my day off to the internets, Check! Baking biscotti merely for family enjoyment, not for gifts or cookie swaps or parties, Check! Surfing around and building my own vehicle on various websites (my lease is up next month), Check! Starting that new book a friend loaned me, Double Check! (Apparently, I am also, going to, use commas, like there's no, tomorrow).

Soon enough, it will be time to pick Grasshopper up from school. Soon enough, my husband will run out of clean underwear. Soon enough, the Big Day will be here and the presents will have to be wrapped.

But for right now, this is where I want to be. I'll be a better Mommy, wife and Santa because of it. I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a yummy idea!! I think I will join you...