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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A decision? Why yes, I think that is a decision!

So JR and I spent almost as much time yesterday talking about what we are going to do regarding the house as I have spent thinking about what to do. I am mentally exhausted. But the good news is that we seem to have reached an actual, honest-to-goodness DECISION! I feel like shouting it from the rooftops! Only I'm terribly afraid of heights, so I'll just shout it here, "We made a DECISION!" Okay, I feel better.

So we are yanking the house off the market, effective today. I feel so free knowing that I can allow a dish or two (or 13, lets be real) to pile up in the sink, maybe not make my bed every day, and allow Grasshopper to leave a toy or two (or 13) sitting out overnight without being judged by the strangers tromping through my house. Also, I can decorate as heavily for the holidays as I want! Squee! I love this time of year, and it's Grasshopper's only Christmas as a 2 1/2 year old, so I want to do it up right. The dollar store is like my crack lately: 6 window wreaths, 3 tubes of ornaments, 300 ornament hangers, 6 gift bags, 3 outdoor bows and a set of shirt boxes for $21! Someone please stop me before I'm buying giant inflatable snowglobes.

So, as far as the house goes; decision made, lets move forward. As far as adoption goes...we'll think about that in a few months. My ever-practical Honey wants to wait until his partner produces Profit and Loss statements for the first quarter of the new year before he will enter into any serious discussions about adding another child to the family. Sigh. He's right, I know he's right, but it doesn't make it any easier to wait.

At least I have 3 portable storage units to have delivered back to house and unloaded. That oughta keep me busy!


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Have a great time preparing for the holidays!

natasha the exile on Mom Street said...

Thanks Tami! We're getting very excited around here!

rosy28 said...

Yay! I'm glad you've decided to stay "in town" and happy that you can breath a sigh of relief at having come to a decision. I'm getting psyched about decorating too, and got all the stuff out of the basement today. We'll probably get our tree this weekend if the rain stops for a bit.