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Friday, April 3, 2009

I hate you and your law Murphy.

JR was supposed to be home by dinner time today. Earlier if possible.

But this morning, about the time that I expected a "we're on the road!" phone call, I got a, "Well, my partners and I are going to have breakfast, and then we're going to do a conference call, and then we're going to go back to the store and do a Rah-Rah Go Team sales meeting and then we're going to be on the road" phone call.

I was not happy.

This week has been one of the worst I can remember, and all I've wanted, all week, was for it to be over. I went through my phone's history today, and not counting this afternoon (more on that in a moment) I have only spoken with my husband for slightly over AN HOUR. That's a total for the entire week, folks.

I am tired, I am pissed, and I feel abandoned.

I've talked to the man quite a bit this afternoon, though. What with all of the "Did you know that because we have Georgia AAA, if your car breaks down in NC, they can't help you?" and, "Could you look online to see if there's a Saab dealership in Charlotte I can have it towed to?" and "Yeah, I should probably have gotten the complete service before leaving town instead of just an oil change" phone calls.

So. What do y'all think the odds are that I'm going to get a "Your flowers are on the way and when I get home you should totally go for a mani-pedi!" call?

Hahahaha. I crack myself up.


Mama Goose said...

You BETTER treat yourself to something. Even if it's a walk around the block BY YOURSELF!!! Hang in there.

Funnyrunner said...

Hey! It's 5:05 pm here on the east coast... have yourself a glass of wine (or margarita?) and relax a bit. It'll all be over soon...

Manic Mommy said...

And then, by the time you're actually able to escape, you're too tired to leave the house.

He's got to be home soon! Breathe...

Anonymous said...

Ahh, umm, never liked Murphy myself.
I'm sorry your week went from bad to worse. I hope he makes it home soon so you get some escape time.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the week apart will make you appreciate each other and the roles you each play. Since my husband travels-he prescence often throws a wrench in things more than it helps-crazy huh? You probably will have to treat/reward yourself for not totally beaking down this week, but least you can do it and say you know what? I really DID IT!! (Then keep detailed notes for next time. hehe)