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Monday, January 12, 2009

In which I jump on the bandwagon

What bandwagon am I speaking of? The diet and exercise bandwagon, of course! It gets really full this time of year, but I am happy to tell you that I now occupy a little less space on it than I did at the holidays.

JR and I have needed to make a lifestyle change for a while now, but various factors (not limited to but including: laziness, sloth and an excellent ability to ignore one's expanding parts until confronted with photographic evidence) have kept us from actually making the necessary changes.

Also, JR is self-employed (read: working all the time) and we have a 2 year old, and we've gone through some emotional %@#* and I had a hysterectomy that laid me flat for a lot longer than anticipated. But still the laziness, sloth and what-not are the primary contributing factors, truth be told. Also wine is really, really yummy. And it goes down really, really easily. Ahem.

So we've done it. We've bought our tickets gotten on the weight loss bandwagon. And you know what, it's not too bad on here. There are some fun people riding with us: hello to Mir who inspired me to tackle this topic today and to Dysfunctional Housewife who is my official buddy on this journey. We may be taking different paths (low-carb is NOT for me) butt (typo that I think should stay in this case!) we hope to reach the same destination.

The bandwagon is not loaded down with sweaty meatheads OR those sorority girls who always went to the gym with an entourage and a full face of make-up when I was in college (you know who you are). This is primarily because we bought our own ellipitcal trainer and therefore do not have to leave our house to sweat. Score!

Another plus to our particular wagon is that my mother doesn't yet know about us being on it (although this post is likely to ruin that. Sigh.) so she isn't driving me crazy with tips and advice that I just don't want to hear from She Who is So Healthy it's Gross. I love you Mom, really! But I'm on the wagon in spite of your loving shoves in this direction, not because of them.

Any of you who read this little blog with any regularity may have noticed that I took my photo down from my profile. This is because I plan to put a new one up before the end of the year that reflects the changes I've been instituting recently. So no photos until the bandwagon pulls into Goal Station.

Hopefully you'll all be there cheering for me.


Dysd Housewife said...

WOOT WOOT! You go girl!! :::clapping::: put the wine away!! LOL

hayseed said...

No wine? wow, you must be serious. I myself am dragging our stationary bike out from the garage and installing it front and centre in the hallway, where I won't be able to ignore it (hopefully)! Good luck on your fitness/health quest!!

natasha the exile on Mom Street said...

I'll still be drinking an OCCASIONAL glass of wine, as moderation is the key to happiness. Or so I've been told.

Plus the surest way to end up binging is to cut something out of my life completely....

Anonymous said...

Dude, I had a little amaretto this weekend (after being good all week!) and a couple of other cheats and they tasted sooo goood. I find behaving on weekdays and allowing myself to cheat a little on the weekends seems to work okay.

Then again, my ass is still the size of a school bus, so maybe don't listen to me....

Anonymous said...

Best of luck Natasha! I hopped on that bus after Christmas too--the not-too-subtle gift of WiiFit was under my tree. But it's surprisingly fun and motivational and so as I work out with my virtual trainer (better than none!) I will be thinking of you guys and hoping I'm not sweating uncoordinated-ly in vain! We can do it! *fist pump*

I am not Allison! said...

Ugh, I have been dieting for 3 days and I am already sick of it! Thank goodness we are going out of town next week so I can get back to pigging out and slurping beer as fast as the nice bar keep can bring em!